Saturday, April 24, 2010

Potted Frog

No, not a Thai delicacy, although I have seen frogs at the market, skinned and ready for some intrepid cook.  In this case it is a new type of orchid pest.  Frogs love to make their daytime hiding place in the orchid pots.  They bash everything out of the way with their hind legs to make a space for themselves to hide.  If that space is taken by potting medium or roots or shoots, then that is just too bad.  Here I am trying to convince a poor bush collected plant to come back to life and grow some roots, but the frog has other ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm frogs legs in butter and garlic yum. Who cares about Thai cuisine, good ol french will do me anyday LOL
