Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chilochista usnoides

This is Chilochista usnoides.  You may notice that there are no leaves.  This is not a deciduous plant (drops its leaves at certain times), it is a plant that has done away with leaves all together.  Instead you will see that the mass of intertwined roots have a green colour.  The photosynthesis that is usually done in leaves is done in the roots of these plants.  As you can see by the branched spike of beautiful little yellow flowers that is just opening up, the plant seems to be doing very well without them.  Each flower is about 1.5cm (half an inch) across.  Interestingly the plant is mounted on a bit of branch and there is a second plant mounted on the top.  A brassavola nodosa, also in flower!  The roots are all entwined so no splitting them now.

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