Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Expat Attitude

It seems that no matter where you go in the world, the "Expat Attitude" virus thrives and all expats, and many immigrants, catch it.  The symptoms are a total blindness to the problems with their own country and a need to complain incessantly about the place they have chosen to come to.  In the lead up to the water festival I was sitting (collapsing) after a game of tennis listening to a group of expats whining about the festival.  Every year they have to put up with this thing.  All the shops and banks close down, not for the few days, but for almost the whole week!!!  The fact that this is the Thai version of New Year seems lost on them, and of course, nothing closes for Xmas New Year anywhere else.  Next it was the water thats being thrown around.  Someone did a test on it and found it contained E. Coli and other bugs!  (Just like every suburban beach I have ever heard of.)  Why is this a global thing that people relocate to somewhere for the weather/beaches/people/politics/freedom whatever and then spend all their time telling everyone else that its nowhere near as nice as 'home'.  If you go somewhere and its never as good as home, go home!

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