Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His......

Given my failure to buy the previous house, I am now trying to buy a different one.  The risk is that it is part of a "Phuket Divorce".  Despite the fact that everybody knows about these events, it is talked about and written about all over the web and all through the local papers etc., it still happens amazingly regularly.  It goes something like.......
Older man comes to Thailand for a holiday and meets beautiful (often much younger) Thai woman who will love him forever.  There is the teary goodbye at the airport with the plans that he will come back to live their wonderful life together, and he heads home.  He then starts sending money for her to get everything set up for his return.  Often it ends there because when he says he has everything ready and is coming back, suddenly he finds she has disappeared.  In other cases he comes back and they set up house often get married.  It seems then that the demands for money start escalating until he finally catches on that everything may not be as it seems.  When he starts thinking that maybe he needs to escape, he realises that the house and land is in her name only because the Thai law does not allow foreigners to own Thai land.  Legally he has no rights whatsoever.
With these events so common, how is it that it keeps happening?  When the whole thing is so well publicised, its hard to blame the women for taking advantage of the situation.  I think the best way to describe the overall events is suggest that "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach", but "the way to a stupid mans bank account is about 30 cm lower".

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