Sunday, August 1, 2010

New House (assuming all goes to plan)!

I have reached an agreement to buy a house here in Phuket.  It is only about a kilometer from where I am living, so I think I know the area.  Is half way up the island near the "Heroines Monument".  Having lived up here for a while I am sure I would rather be up here than down the southern tip where I originally planned.  It is much quieter, the people seem much nicer and it is a long way from the tourist centres.
The main reason for targetting this house was that it had two very unusual features.  Firstly it is single level which is almost essential for me and my multiply rebuilt legs.  Secondly it has about 4 metres of land on each side.  Most houses here are only a metre or two from their neighbours on all sides.  This one has room for an orchid house on one side and a garden or swimming pool on the other.

Looking across the front to the land on one side.

Looking to the free space onto the other side.
Huge living area.
The main feature.... garden space down one side  ...and ....

...the garden space on the other side.

The view from the street.

Three bedrooms, one more than I wanted.  Two bathrooms, again one more than necessary for me.  But the land was the clincher.  All the funiture came with it which is good in some ways and bad in others (anybody want to buy a set of brown and yellow vinyl chairs with matching vinyl coffee table???) .  Some work to be done as soon as I get settled, but it will be good to get somewhere I know is for the longer term.
Now it is up to the lawyers because buying a house here is not straight forward.  As a foreigner I am not allowed to own land in Thailand.  I can buy the house but not the land it sits on.  There are series of ways around this, some very shonky, others less so.  This will be done under the most common arrangement which is buying the house with a long term renewable lease on the land.


  1. The house looks fantastic, so there will be a room for us to visit LOL. I am sure the lady in red is already planning her next trip down via Thailand and 1770.Those freeloading swiss LOL.

  2. Always room for visitors, you just have to check with Jenny. She has been here twice this year already and has a third trip planned for November. I guess that makes her the booking agent. If I get to Aust at Christmas and to 1770 at the start of January, maybe you should be booking Thiland for early in the new year to get the best of the weather here. Maybe line up the Swiss retrogrades and all meet here. I warn you though, its a fifteen minute drive to the never ending beach, not a two minute walk with a resort staff member holding your hand so you don't stumble afetr your Mai Tais! Would you cope?

  3. looks beautiful...let me know when i can move in!

  4. Not until after the wedding Chuck. I am old fashioned. :-)
