Monday, August 2, 2010

How do you understand the power of a Tsunami?

Unless you have had the misfortune to be in one, or to see the aftermath of a disaster like the tsunami, its hard for anyone to understand the power in this sort of phenomenon.  This image may help put it in some sort of perspective as it did for me.

One of the Thai princes was holidaying off the coast when the tsunami hit.  There were two navy cruisers there for his security.  This is one of those cruisers, basically the size of the standard American sea patrol ship.  As you can see, the boat ended up inland.  Not only was it washed ashore, it ended up 1 kilometer inland!  If you or your property gets hit by a wave it sounds bad, but imagine if that wave was throwing things like this at you.

 The prince was killed and the other boat was apparently never found.

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