Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bangkok Flower Market

I had to go to Bangkok for a few days.  It hasn't changed.  It is still big, hot, dirty, smoggy and every second person on the street is trying to drag you into a club/shop/restaurant.  I did make an effort to get to the Flower Market though.

The Bangkok Flower market is next to Chinatown and is where all the wholesalers bring their products for sale to the retailers.  The market really operates from about 2am through 6am, so you have to be there at that sort of time if you want to see it at  its best.  These photos were all taken at about 4am.

An interesting aspect of the market is that the people seem to live their whole lives 12 hours out of phase.  At 4 in the morning there are little children running around playing and all other things that other people do during the day time. In some ways it is probably easier given that the temperature at this time was about 28 degrees rather than the 34 during the day, and the humidity is lower as well.  I can understand this given that I live about 4 hours out of phase myself being a late night person and avoiding early mornings wherever possible.

This one of the streets that make up the market.  As you can see it is not small!

One of the stalls selling orchids.  Cut Dendrobium stems by the basket.

Marigolds represent prosperity and are used in many types of offerings.  There is a whole street just selling marigolds by the barrow load.

Apart from stall after stall selling the same things, there are some unusual things about.  No idea what these are.

Some sort of daisy that seems to have been put through a dying process.

1 comment:

  1. I stick by my belief that 4am is a getting home time, NOT a getting up time
