Monday, May 31, 2010

Whats For Dinner??

I went to the streetside market where I  have been regularly buying my veges and this time I remembered to take the camera.  I mentioned to DA about frogs for sale at the market and he was happy to link it to the frogs legs seen in French cooking.  I promised to send him some pictures to show why this was a bit different........
For a start, they do not seem to be stopping at the legs.  Secondly I think that "frog" might be a bit optimistic in the naming and and easier on the palate than "toad".

But if toad is not on your menu, maybe you would like some fresh deep fried squirrels?
I was pleased to see that he back legs were significantly longer than the front, because that immediately made it clear that they were not rats!  I now know why the cute little squirrell that used to run along the power lines outside my first house here was doing it so quickly!  Obviously you do not want to be the slow squirrell!

For the veges, what about some Cobra Lillies? 
These are a sought after collectors plant in Australia.  For Peter who succesfully grew one at Warburton, I don't expect you ever thought of eating it!  I don't know what they do with it, but I am surprised to see that is there and edible.

Lastly to the more mundane.  Some Pork.
I don't include this because it is unusual, but to show how the pork is sold.  There is no refridgeration and only a lazy attempt to move the flies along every so often.  There is lots of seafood sold in the same markets and that is always stored in big containers of ice and the sellers keep laying the ice on over the fish, prawns, crabs and others to make sure is stays chilled.  So why not the pork? 

While I am happy to buy all my veges from these markets, I do not risk buying my meat there.  For that I will go to the supermarket.


  1. I can see the menu now:


    Frogs with a chilli and lime dressing


    Squirrel stuffed with pork ala Bruce with a black peppercorn sauce and market fresh greens on the side

    mangosteen souffle

    What time do we arrive ?


  2. Arrive any time you like. I will show you where to find the market and you can call me when the meal is finished and the kitchen cleaned, and no leftovers in the fridge for me either!
    Mangosteen? Those boring things? If you have a dollar you can fill a shopping bag full of the damn things.

  3. now we really arn't talking LOL my life for a mangosteen LOL
