Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Return Of Number 32

Newer, Faster, Better

Well, it will be when I learn how to control it!  Got the opportunity to buy one of the karts used in last year's championship series by one of the leading teams and the temptation was too much for me.  This is a KF2 kart.  30% more power, 100% harder to drive.  At the moment I am just trying to keep it going where I want it to rather than always going sideways because there is too much power.  At least I am keeping the mechanics entertained as they laugh at me trying to manage it.

One requirement to enter any race meetings was a number.  I stripped all the bright coloured stickers and sponsors off it right back to the black plastic.  It did look like this...

So, black racing machine??  It had to be 32 in honor of the much missed R32.  The chassis is a 2011 Intrepid which won most of the major championships around the world last year.  Watching the mechanics playing with all the handling adjustments is interesting, but probably a waste until I can get somewhere close to being able to drive it. 

Doing faster laps than what I achieved in the old Leopard class kart, but still a good second a lap slower than what the kart is easily capable of.  Lots more to learn, lots more GForce bruising to endure, and a lot of fun doing it. 

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