Monday, March 29, 2010

Flowering Hard Cane Dendrobiums @ $1.20 each

One of the enticing thing about Thai weather, apart from what it would do for my rebuilt body, was the ability to grow many of the orchids I always wanted.  I dropped into a nursery on the main road that had a lot of orchids out the front.  They had benches of flowering hard cane dendrobiums for sale.  They might as well be cut flowers here, where in Melbourne you need heated glasshouses to grow them. They are all hybrids and not the sort of thing I really want to grow, but they are a good splash of colour and hint of the possibilities every time I go past.  And to make every Australian orchid grower go green with envy.....  this set of five flowering plants cost the equivalent of $1.20 each.  And no, that is not a typo.

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